Florete flores
15,90 €
per organo barocco
L’intramontabile topos di una musica speculum naturae; processi di diminuzione ritmica affini alla prassi del contrapunctus floridus; l’utopico tentativo di restituire musicalmente il, più immateriale dei sensi, quello dell’olfatto… Sono solo alcune delle varie suggestioni che mi hanno accompagnato nell’estensione del presente lavoro, lasciandovi tracce più o meno concrete.
L’impianto armonico è basato sulla libera permutazione delle otto triadi maggiori possibili sul temperamento mesotonico; l’estensione di manuali e pedale si attiene agli standard del Barocco tedesco.
Florete flores fu dato per la prima volta al grande organo Schnitger/Ahrend della Hauptkirche St.Jacobi (Amburgo), ma è eseguibile su qualsiasi strumento meccanico provvisto di almeno due manuali.
The undying topos of music as speculum naturae; processes of rhythmic diminution akin to the practice of contrapunctus floridus; the utopian attempt to musically portray the most immaterial of the senses, the sense of smell … were only a few of the vague notions in mind during the production of this work, leaving more and less evident marks within it.
The harmonic structure is based on a free permutation of the eight major triads possible in the meantone temperament; the manual and pedal ranges are within German Baroque standards. Florete flores was first performed at the great Schnitger/Ahrend organ of the Hauptkirche St. Jacobi (Hamburg), but may be performed on any mechanical instrument with at least two manuals.
The harmonic structure is based on a free permutation of the eight major triads possible in the meantone temperament; the manual and pedal ranges are within German Baroque standards. Florete flores was first performed at the great Schnitger/Ahrend organ of the Hauptkirche St. Jacobi (Hamburg), but may be performed on any mechanical instrument with at least two manuals.
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